To ensure a safe loan, you should borrow from a bank, credit union, or online lender who will thoroughly review your loan in person, reviewing all the costs and terms of the loan to ensure it won’t overwhelm and affect your finances.

Unsecured loans are so named because they don’t require collateral; if you default on your loan, instead of losing something like your home or car, you’ll just lose your credit score, which could make it harder to get low-interest credit in the future.

Compare unsecured loans from multiple lenders to find one with a monthly payment that fits your budget, so you can protect your credit and your finances.

If you are borrowing from a reputable lender, simply getting a loan will not hurt your credit history much. This way, you can repay it on time and maintain a good credit history.

How to find a safe personal loan.

Knowing the signs of predatory lending can help you find a safe loan and avoid falling into a debt trap. Legitimate lenders often exhibit the following signs: